September 17, 2010, Newsletter Issue #150: DVD's or Magic Books ?

Tip of the Week

What does a magician buy to learn new magic? Aside from learning from fellow magicians, most performers buy a combination of magic books, eBooks, and DVD's to master their craft. If you ask five different magicians their favorite, you'll get five different answers, without a doubt...

DVD's are fairly easy to produce and edit. As a result, they are extremely popular. Magicians pop them in their DVD players or laptops and off they go. Despite the simplicity, they do have a drawback... it's very annoying trying to rewind to a certain point over and over.  There is also the availability factor. WE are not always able to watch a DVD on a moments notice.

Books on the other hand, can be taken everywhere we go, and opened to a specific point at any given moment. Magicians trying to master a complicated effect or move appreciate a good book, especially if it has a combination of information and illustrations. You can study during your lunch break, on the ride home - assuming you're not driving, and between frequent 5 minute commercial breaks while you're watching your favorite show.

To each his own. If you haven't read a good magic book in awhile, maybe it's about time you picked up a classic and flashed back to how it used to be before technology made everything perfect. I have added a link to the magic links page at for the Magic Book Store.

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